Saturday, October 24, 2009

Super Bowl Streak

Is it just me or has the super bowl actually lived up to it’s name? Although this year it seemed as if last years thriller was going to be a one and done, much like most of the NFC contenders of the last few years. Throughout the first three quarters it looked as if this year’s ‘game of game’s’ was going to be a replay of the Steeler’s/Seahawks snoozer from three years ago. However, there was one element in this SB that wasn’t there in Big Ben’s first, The frickin comeback kid Kurt Warner. During the final quarter I caught myself doing something I never thought I would do: cheer for the Arizona Cardinals. (Actually now that I think about it, it took me that long just to wrap my head around the Cardinals being in the SB). Anyways, we all know the story by now, the Card’s effort while valiant, fell short. And the men from the Steel City took home their sixth.

I just hope that the Super Bowl continues to roll out ‘super’ games. It’s a nice change of pace. Or maybe the Cowboys could get there. Or maybe they could not suck when it matters, or not self-destruct in december, or actually get pissed when they lose, or not have a frickin potato for a coach, or the next Al Davis as an owner. What was I talking about originally?

Until next time, God Bless

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