Saturday, October 24, 2009

A General Wondering

a. why does football have to end?

quite few things on this earth make me happier than visa v the following:

1. brownies

2. kissing

3. skipping (jk...but seriously...what?)

4. football

It starts every August as preseason finally gets here after the loooong summer of baseball and golf highlights (snoozefest). My heart waits in glorious expectation as I drive down to the nearest grocery store and pick up SI's College Football Preview along with Dave Campbell's Texas Football Preview. Such a wonderful, wonderful day. But I besiege you, why does it have to end? Why do we have to say good bye to the true American past-time only to be momentarily set with college basketball, but then to suffer through the punch-in-the face that is summer sports? I'll never understand it. It makes me sad.

b. music snobs...

being a singer/songwriter you get to the opportunity to meet some interesting people. Some 'characters' as my grandpa would say. Some of my favorite people ever share this passion I have for music and have like me, dedicated a great deal of time to it. Every now and then (by every now then I mean all of the time) it seems that I come across what many would probably refer to as a 'music snob'. Let me go ahead and give a quick definition for those who are unfamiliar.

Music Snob (English. muzik sanob) - a person, who for whatever reason, prides themselves in the size of their music library(i.e. itunes library) as well as the fact that they know the names of bands that no one has ever heard of. Typical behavior includes disliking anything "popular", or constantly reminding others that 'no name' is so much better than the person on the radio. They usually refer to people who like pop music as mindless, drones, etc.

Now don't get me wrong, I am not criticizing people who actually know what they're talking about, i.e. talent scouts, agents, prof. musicians etc.. And there are some people that I have met who honestly love independent music and that's cool. I'm talking about the 'name-dropper', the 'nay-sayer', the 'negative-nelly'. This is the guy/girl who when everyone is bumping to the newest Beyonce song or whatever, is sitting in the backseat referring to the rest of the car as 'cattle' or the music as 'mindless crap'. Come on dude, it's called pop music for a reason. It's fun to listen to. It's got a good melody. It's got a good beat. She's got a good voice. Chill out, and take your frustrations out in your blog later when you're calling us all drones. It's cool, I won't be offended. Just make sure and turn off the radio blasting Top-40 in the background when you rant about it in your podcast.

c. why are E.L. Fudge cookies so addictive?

Cause they're fricking amazing. I guess that one is pretty self explanatory.

until next time, God Bless

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