Thursday, February 18, 2010

A is for Apple, Apple is for Greatness

Steve Jobs you're a genius. Something you are told on a hourly basis I'm sure. But seriously dude, the world of Apple is the stuff of dreams. Like when I was a little kid, and me and my big brother would sit down to try to dream up all the crazy stuff that we wanted to see invented... YOU'RE DOING IT! Well, most of it anyways, I'm still waiting on the release of Hoverboards like in Back to the Future 2, but that's not really what Apple does.... but maybe??

Anyways, I have had my Macbook Pro for 3 years now. It was given to me as a gift for my college graduation, and other than the magnet on the charger malfunctioning, I have had absolutely no problems whatsoever with this epic piece of computer heaven. I have taken it everywhere, used it for everything, and loved every minute of it. So when it completed shut down yesterday, I began to mourn. I tried everything I knew to do and had absolutely no luck, so I made an appointment at the nearest apple store (Concierge is brilliant and convenient. I confirmed the whole thing from my iPhone in like 2 minutes) to have it checked out.

So I roll in this morning around 10:30 AM and hand my baby over to one of the Mac Geniuses, (these guys are awesome, and I want one of their T-Shirts and name badges, that just have their name and under it is simply reads "Genius") and to my dismay my hard drive is completely fried. Not good news, at all. Fried Hard Drive= Dead Computer for those of you who don't speak CPU. Luckily, I had backed up most of my stuff onto an external HD so retrieving all of my files would be cake. However, I was now looking at a 400 dollar expense to replace the old HD and get my MB Pro back up and running.

But to my jubilation (that's right!) I had 17 days left on my Apple Care Warranty so this wasn't going to cost me a dime. Oh and they were out of the 120 GB hardrives so they just upgraded me to a 160GB HD for free. FOR FREE! They took down my cell, and called me two hours later for me to come pick it up. Other than the inconvenience factor, of having to reboot some things, and reload my external HD, what should have been a disastrous series of events, was nothing more than a mere annoyance. Hollaaaaaa

So my hat is off yet again to you Jobs and you're quaint little empire. The man crush continues.

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