Sunday, October 25, 2009

Storm Day Update

Hey guys! sorry i’m so sporadic between posts but things have been kindof crazy here! I spent this last weekend (well.. friday at least) at the Audio Village with Kyle and we were able to get a ton of stuff done on the new EP. We only had one full day to work (which is not out of the ordinary for us) so we put in a nice 19 hour work day, haha.

While I was there we were able to track acoustics for the final two songs and knock out the first four lead vocals! It was a ton of work, and I’m just gonna chalk that day up to God, b/c for me to roll through those four songs and nail them all in one day is insanity to me. ( seeing as how I tend to write songs that are basically the highest thing I’ve ever sung ever, and they stay that way through the entire song)

Anyways... Things are progressing nicely, I am really really really (enough really’s?) really excited about this record and CANNOT wait for ya’ll to hear it. I am taking my time on this one to really get it exactly how I want it before we wrap it up and put it out for the world (or the 30 people who will actually listen to it). These songs just have a LOT of passion tied to them and I want to do them justice and be a good steward of the lyrics and melodies God has spoken to me. Anyways, I hope all is well in your world and don’t be a stranger! (hit me up with some tweets!) Love you guys, peace out.


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